Post-Show Report 2023

Our Post-Show Report 2023 provides a comprehensive coverage of INTERGEO, which took place in Berlin in October 2023. Additionally, it provides comprehensive in-depth insights into the event and explores forward-looking perspectives for the industry.

With a participation of over 17,000 visitors from more than 110 different countries, INTERGEO has further strengthened its position as the international leading trade fair for the Geospatial industry. The diversity of over 570 exhibitors from more than 40 countries underscores the global significance of INTERGEO as the premier platform for the exchange of knowledge and ideas in Geodesy, Geoinformation, and Land Management. Visitors not only had the opportunity to experience a wide range of technical presentations but also participated in the program of the integrated BIM Days Germany, providing a platform for intensive networking between the Geo industry and the construction sector.


For the 20th consecutive year, a team of students and academic staff from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) analyzed the trend topics at INTERGEO on behalf of the Round Table GIS e.V. Based on specialized literature, expert discussions, and industry events, significant focal points were identified.

The team interviewed exhibitors and attendees to validate existing and emerging trend topics. The trend analysis report is based on these interviews and technical presentations, covering topics such as AI (Artificial Intelligence), Earth Observation, UAS (Unmanned Aerial Systems), Smart Cities, and BIM (Building Information Modeling).

Interested in learning more about the trend topics? Click here to access the Post-Show Report.