High coverage thanks to live as well as digital
Hannover, 23rd September 2021 | INTERGEO 2021 has come to an end in Hannover. The EXPO and CONFERENCE scored highly as the geospatial industry's first live event as well as digital platform. Exhibitors, speakers and visitors enjoyed the personal interaction, while visitors from all over the world followed the event remotely.
INTERGEO 2021 has come to an end after three days of intensive live events as well as the online digital event. “INTERGEO 2021 has shown how much the visitors, exhibitors, speakers and conference participants value personal interaction, despite the ongoing pandemic. Visitors from all over the world, who could not be there due to restrictions, were able to attend digitally. The relaunch of INTERGEO as a hybrid event has definitely been a success. We are very happy that the combination of meeting in person, plus the extension of the event on the web, was so well received. This is the new reality we have been working towards for so long," says Christiane Salbach, Managing Director of DVW GmbH.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Hansjörg Kutterer, President of DVW e.V. commented that: "In terms of content, INTERGEO 2021 presented the entire spectrum and potential of the rapid technological innovations in geodesy, geo-information, and land management to the national and international professional community! The hybrid format proved that it is contemporary and pioneering. Our world is becoming smarter and we are accompanying and shaping the process". Kutterer highlights the digitisation of the environment in the form of Digital Twins, Building Information Modelling (BIM) and digital processes, as well as their impact on various sectors, as central themes of this year's INTERGEO. Examples are smart cities, smart construction or autonomous driving, real estate valuation and citizen participation in planning processes.
The theme ‘Inspiration for a Smarter World’, set the standard for the three day CONFERENCE. "The GeoCommunity is ready to provide solutions for pressing social issues. The speakers conveyed future-oriented expertise at a top level, both in the CONFERENCE and in the 69th German Cartography Congress (DKK), which was held in an integrated manner," said Christiane Salbach.
Prof. Dr. Jochen Schiewe, President of the German Society for Cartography e.V. as organiser of the DKK, emphasised the links between geo-data and maps, and the pressing issues of our time such as health, mobility and digitalisation. "The organisers have put a lot of effort and commitment into putting together a professional, hybrid conference - for that I have the utmost respect!", said Schiewe.
EXPO exhibitors were extremely satisfied by the event. The enthusiasm was palpable in the customer interactions on-site in Hannover. Companies took advantage of the opportunity to present rapidly developing technologies to an audience hungry for knowledge! “The EXPO exceeded exhibitors' expectations. For many, it was important to fly their flags and be represented at INTERGEO. Hardly anyone expected that such intense customer encounters would result from this year’s event. Busy halls and interactions on the digital platform are signs that the relaunch of INTERGEO 2021 was a great success," said Daniel Katzer, INTERGEO Project Manager at HINTE GmbH - the company responsible for the trade fair. Thanks to the practical programme, there was rarely an unoccupied place on the EXPO STAGE. An additional aspect of the EXPO's success: the tech industry, which is affected by a shortage of skilled workers, finally came into live contact with students and young professionals once again. "An important foundation for the future has been laid. Some companies who could not be present in Hannover this year have already expressed they’re eagerness to participate at the 2022 event in Essen," says Katzer.
INTERGEO 2022 in Essen
Digitalisation adds value! This was proven by the relaunch of INTERGEO as a hybrid event this year. The INTERGEO organisers want to continue with this successful development and so the international geo-community will meet from 18th-20th October 2022 in Essen as well as digitally worldwide on the web.