The refurbishment of the Pyhrn Motorway A9 is a groundbreaking project in which Austrian motorway authority, ASFiNAG, placed a strong emphasis on digitalization during the tendering phase.
Susanne Wieser, project manager at ASFINAG, explains the background: “One focus of the ASFINAG pilot project is the use of project platform and a sustainable data economy. The goal is to facilitate project implementation during the construction phase and increase productivity through innovative solutions from all project participants, such as automated data storage, resource-efficient documentation, and seamless information exchange.“
The Austrian construction company PORR, Steiermark branch, was awarded the 60 million Euros contract for the refurbishment of approximately 9.5 kilometers of roadway and several bridges. During the qualitative bid presentation, PORR impressed with their digitalization concept, which showcased the Finnish project execution platform Infrakit as the central Project Information Platform, along with other innovative solutions utilized throughout the project implementation. The project is scheduled to continue until 2024.
“Using Infrakit, we can visually represent and utilize all construction-related data on-site – ranging from surveying and photo documentation to real-time access to model data for 3D-controlled machinery. We aim to create transparent workflows and collaborate with clients, planners, construction supervision, and external surveying offices through Infrakit,” says Christoph Winkler, Team Leader of Execution Digitalisation Support & Operational Management at PORR.
In the construction industry, there are numerous pilot projects that involve the application of digitalization measures and Building Information Modeling (BIM) during the planning phase. However, these projects typically focus on planning and are not implemented in the construction execution phase. In this project, for the first time, the emphasis is placed on construction execution, as it constitutes a significant portion of the overall project costs. Against the backdrop of rising raw material prices and an ongoing shortage of skilled labor, an efficient execution phase is of paramount importance.
“We are not only using Infrakit as a collaboration tool among project participants. With the practical on-site applications, we can avoid costly rework through quality assurance workflows and real-time data integration. The implementation was not always easy because new solutions require a shift in thinking and new ways of working. However, now that the first construction phase has been completed, I can say that the use of Infrakit has been worthwhile,” says Manfred Hübler, project manager and digitalization technician at PORR.